Union busting, lavish funding for genocide, corporate tax cuts, no healthcare plan, increased funding for police, pro-fracking, pro-drilling, 'tough on immigration ', etc etc
Not three months ago Gaza had a death toll well past fifty thousand by the most conservative estimates, not to mention the huge amounts of women and children maimed, malnourished and the wholesale destruction of the entire strip’s infrastructure.
Did the republicans do that or did y’all deny reality so much in the pursuit of tHe mOsT iMpOrTanT ElEctiOn oF oUr LiFeTimE that you don’t know what fucking color the sky is unless you ask the DNC first
What I’m saying is that the Republic Party is trying to dismantle democracy. You don’t have to be a fan of the politics of the Democratic Party to want to at least retain the shrivel of a democracy the US had before.
Democracy already died, and it died under a Democrat. We’ve been a true plutocracy since Citizen’s United v FEC. What actually would happen is the Democrats would defend the plutocracy until the Republicans inevitably win an election because they take advantage of people’s hatred of our situation.
This is such a bad faith argument you have to be oblivious to everything Trump has said and done to even consider it plausible.
Prior to the election, exactly what did Trump say or do that made you think he was going to inhibit the suffering of the Palestinians or impede Israeli attempts at genocide?
And since he has taken power, how has the situation improved at all due to his foreign policy. Because here in reality he repeatedly said Israel didn’t go far enough and that he would increase arm shipments to Israel. And after taking power he un paused the shipments that Biden halted to force Israel to the negotiation table.
There aren’t really polite terms that can be used for people who might have voted D in the last few elections but then decided they would protest vote and abstain when their best case scenario was to put Trump and all his corrupt possy. It’s like refusing to let your daughter go to prom with her boyfriend cause something about him makes you think he’s a dangerous creep, but then instead just letting her go out unsupervised with a known rapist who murdered his last victim.
I’d rather there were an actual human in the white house (or there not be an USA at all) but since libs are so spineless I think it’ll take the complete collapse of the US economy to get y’all to stop treating politics like a fucking team sport. You could put Mussolini on the blue team and y’all would yell at everyone for not shutting up and vooooooting.
This meme made sense in 2012, not when the Republic Party has decided to be the Anti-Democratic Party.
If anything Democrats have moved further to the right recently
I can wait until you’re out of homeroom.
Union busting, lavish funding for genocide, corporate tax cuts, no healthcare plan, increased funding for police, pro-fracking, pro-drilling, 'tough on immigration ', etc etc
Did you reply to the wrong comment?
Literally all Democratic actions
Not three months ago Gaza had a death toll well past fifty thousand by the most conservative estimates, not to mention the huge amounts of women and children maimed, malnourished and the wholesale destruction of the entire strip’s infrastructure.
Did the republicans do that or did y’all deny reality so much in the pursuit of tHe mOsT iMpOrTanT ElEctiOn oF oUr LiFeTimE that you don’t know what fucking color the sky is unless you ask the DNC first
What I’m saying is that the Republic Party is trying to dismantle democracy. You don’t have to be a fan of the politics of the Democratic Party to want to at least retain the shrivel of a democracy the US had before.
Democracy already died, and it died under a Democrat. We’ve been a true plutocracy since Citizen’s United v FEC. What actually would happen is the Democrats would defend the plutocracy until the Republicans inevitably win an election because they take advantage of people’s hatred of our situation.
This is such a bad faith argument you have to be oblivious to everything Trump has said and done to even consider it plausible.
Prior to the election, exactly what did Trump say or do that made you think he was going to inhibit the suffering of the Palestinians or impede Israeli attempts at genocide?
And since he has taken power, how has the situation improved at all due to his foreign policy. Because here in reality he repeatedly said Israel didn’t go far enough and that he would increase arm shipments to Israel. And after taking power he un paused the shipments that Biden halted to force Israel to the negotiation table.
There aren’t really polite terms that can be used for people who might have voted D in the last few elections but then decided they would protest vote and abstain when their best case scenario was to put Trump and all his corrupt possy. It’s like refusing to let your daughter go to prom with her boyfriend cause something about him makes you think he’s a dangerous creep, but then instead just letting her go out unsupervised with a known rapist who murdered his last victim.
Another good reminder that “tankie” just means anyone to the left of Nancy Pelosi.
When did we think Trump would make it worse in Isreal? When he said “Do what you have to”
Or when he said Biden is being to hard on Netanyahi
Maybe the time he told Isreal he would be their protector and not to vote for Harris
Last one for now: Trump tells Isreal to finish it up faster
Also, just for fun, he’s Biden telling Netenyahu he’s not doing enough to get the hostage deal done
Ao you’re on board with golden Trump statue instead of the strip then?
Who destroyed the Gaza Strip to begin with?
There would be no “Trump plan to rebuild Gaza” is Gaza wasn’t destroyed under Biden.
Why are you so “on board” with the destruction and genocide of Palestinians as long as it’s a Democrat doing it?
I’d rather there were an actual human in the white house (or there not be an USA at all) but since libs are so spineless I think it’ll take the complete collapse of the US economy to get y’all to stop treating politics like a fucking team sport. You could put Mussolini on the blue team and y’all would yell at everyone for not shutting up and vooooooting.
We’re almost there, thank fuck.
so you prefer trump and putin in power?
did the republicans do it? of course they did. the US has been funding israel for a long time.
See? Perfect example.
Without the republicans, Dems would have no one to hide behind when their many genocides are recounted.
so how does peace look to you? 1967 border?
Are you at all able to communicate with others without resorting to deflection and loaded questions?
simple enough questions but as you’re so busy campaigning against the dems you must be quite happy with trump?
I’m about as happy as I would have been with a dem, which is to say I hope they die and take the US with them and leave the rest of us alone finally.
you’re brave enough to be happy with the destruction of the US
but you won’t commit to a peace plan for palestine?