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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2023


  • Man, this is what I fear trying to get into homelab’ing. I’m just so naive to networking I’m afraid I’ll break everything. The most I’ve ever accomplished was Plex on my PC, Plex app elsewhere and PC has to have Plex running to work. That and I built a NAS (when really I just wish it was a DAS I could tether to multiple PC’s at once), and I barely made it though tutorials to get that working.

    I feel like I need to buy a textbook because I’m so clueless on the basics I can’t even get started, since almost any tutorial online assumes you know the bare bones basics. Like I literally don’t know what DHCP is, how it works, or even what it stands for.

    At the very least your post has inspired me to try to start trying again. Maybe there’s a textbook I can pick up to start learning this super basic groundwork, or maybe a course online.

  • I remember when I got the steam notification that a developer left a comment on my review. I had left some other ones recently so I was excited, then I saw it was Bethesda telling me all the “fun things” I can do after I said it was boring. When I think about it it gives me that cringy awkward feeling you get when you’re embarrassed for someone else.

  • BlackBerry, household name. Jordan, Nike, household names. GameStop less so, but had tons of news and stories surrounding it, and it’s relatively recent. Having some idea of the subject drives interest, and these all have a journey within their stories. The Zhong story is boring as shit. The only reason headlines capture anyone’s attention is they can say it was a $3 billion dollar heist, when really it was a $600k heist with no interesting tale behind it except he looked through some code and found a bug. Maybe if he continually cashed the coins out and you know, was actually able to throw a billion+ dollars around and was constantly on the run you could make an interesting move. The dude stole the coin, stashed some hardware in his house, then accidentally called the cops on himself. What an amazing adventure, I can’t wait to watch it in theaters.

  • Now that’s thinking way too big. This dude is not a household name like Facebook. You’d probably have to ask a few hundred people on the street before one says they know who he is. His story is also not at all interesting like Catch Me or Wolf. Granted, most people probably didn’t know who Belfort was, but his story was wild and constantly evolving and has a lot of story to tell. Zhong was just some crypto nerd who found one bug and stole a bunch of coin that he never touched, and in the meantime he used his other crypto money to buy friendship and drink. He’s worth a one part netflix doc at most.

  • Happy to see the game moving forward, and thrilled that so many players are happy about it. Idk why but CS stopped feeling like CS to me with GO. I’ll definitely try CS2 out, but I wish I was excited about it too.

    Does anyone know if the custom server/maps community made a place for itself with GO? My peak CS experience (probably mostly due to my ages at the time, was 1.6 with the wacky custom maps, WC3 servers, super hero severs… And then in Source the zombie servers were so fun, especially the ZE (Zombie Escape) maps. Few things in life are as memorable as successfully escaping the mines of Moria from a hoard of player zombies.