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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Who knows, maybe now Chat GPT will blabber about for an extra three paragraphs before getting to the point and then give you bullshit info like many of the YouTubers.

    Chat GPT, how do I change a light bulb?

    Hey, what’s up, fam? Welcome back to my channel! Today, I’m going to show you how to change a light bulb, but first, let me tell you about this crazy party I went to last weekend. It was insane! I mean, the DJ was dropping beats like nobody’s business, and the dance floor was on fire!

    But back to business. You know, changing a light bulb might seem like a simple task, but trust me, it’s all about the technique. Before we dive into that, though, let me share with you my latest fashion haul. I just scored these killer new sneakers that are going to take my style game to the next level!

    Changing a light bulb is like changing your mindset, you know? It’s all about embracing the light and letting go of the darkness. Deep stuff, I know. But hey, that’s just how I roll.

    Okay, back to the light bulb situation. So, you’re gonna need a ladder for this. Or maybe a chair if you’re feeling adventurous. I mean, who needs a ladder, am I right? Safety first, who needs it?

    Next, you gotta unscrew the old bulb. But be careful, 'cause sometimes those suckers can be stubborn. If it doesn’t come out easily, just give it a good yank. What’s the worst that could happen, right?

    Now, grab your new bulb and… umm… just stick it in there, I guess? I mean, it’s not rocket science. Oh, and make sure the power’s still on while you’re doing this. Adds a little excitement to the process, you know?

    And that’s it! You’ve successfully changed a light bulb. Or at least, I hope you have. If not, well, there’s always candles, right? Anyway, thanks for watching, don’t forget to like, subscribe, and share this video with your friends. Catch you on the flip side!

  • So this wasn’t exactly retaliation. The first approval epic got this year was from an automated system. Once they got the approval they assumed (very understandably) that apple was okay with them establishing their store within the new guidelines, so they announced their plans publicly. They also continued to diss apple on Twitter of course. Hearing the announcement, Apple execs decided to ban them again because they didn’t adhere to the rules last time.

    This however completely looked like retaliation from apple’s side, so the DMA lawyers started an investigation and Apple had to re-allow epic again.

    Wether it’s apple’s fault for having the shitty automated system or not, doesn’t really matter though. I just hope we get proper sideloading by the end of the process.