• takeda@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    The “Internet leftist” is the same disinformation that happened in 2016. The idea was to discourage people from voting for Hillary, because “she is equally as bad”, many Democrats didn’t vote or voted 3rd party in protest and we got trump.

    The thing about trump though is that he moved the US embassy to Jerusalem (region which was supposed to be neutral, after that move US have legitimacy to claim that it belongs to Israel).

    When negotiating “peace” between Israel and Palestine, Palestine wasn’t even invited.

    He is openly fully behind Israel and don’t mind to “fix it” by fully eliminating Palestine.

        • TheAlbatross@lemmy.blahaj.zone
          6 months ago

          Buddy… you got no clue.

          Biden is an absolutely piece of shit and I’m still gonna cast my vote for him. That said, with the electoral systems the way they are, my vote is utterly irrelevant. I live in a deep blue state. I could vote for anyone and it would be irrelevant, the electoral college for my state might as well vote now and be done with it. There’s not a snowflakes chance in hell for there to be a different outcome.

          This just isn’t funny or interesting content, it’s just a bitter political opinion. Furthermore, it’s principled but impractical. There’s no large enough voting bloc of “MAGA agents LARPing as internet leftists” to move the needle on any federal election.

      • Meltrax@lemmy.world
        6 months ago

        I’d just be so excited if there were actually memes here instead of shitty political takes from both sides of one country’s elections.

    • takeda@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      They never weren’t. In the whole middle east situation (even before Oct 7) no one is a good guy. They are all fighting for power and don’t mind killing innocent people.

  • Gigan@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    I’m voting third party, I dislike them both. But don’t worry, I live in a blue state so it doesn’t really matter anyway.

  • GrymEdm@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    How about we just avoid the long arguments and jump to the end:

    • Pro-Biden: Biden is only a war criminal. Trump will actually ruin the USA while being no better internationally. It’s a loss for no gain. If Trump wins I’m going to blame anyone who voted 3rd party or didn’t vote. We need people to vote Biden regardless of their ethical/financial concerns about the billions being sent abroad and how they are being used. It’s that important.
    • Anti-Biden and also Anti-Trump: Democrats never meaningfully change to court any voters left of center. Every 4 years they bank on their Republican opponent being so awful that it scares people into voting Dem because “it’s the most important election ever”. Biden has crossed the line by participating in Israeli crimes and continuing to do so in spite of most Americans wanting otherwise. If he loses you should blame his policy and Democrat apathy to our concerns instead of us. Threatening to vote 3rd party or withholding our vote is the only way left to us to meaningfully demand change and proper representation of deeply important concerns.
    • Pro-Trump: Popcorn time while we watch libs argue and vote for our (literally painted) golden leader to “restore” an impossibly perfect past that never existed. Even if he acts like a dictator for a while sometimes that’s what is needed.

    There. After so many of these threads I can near guarantee 90%+ will fall roughly into those categories.