Me and My friend finally got a chance to sit down and play Some Assassin’s Creed Unity together. For some reason my internet has been slow today, like, painfully slow. So it was a bit laggy since i think it’s peer to peer, but i’m not sure on that. The slow internet probably wasn’t helping it though. We ran through a few of the Multiplayer missions together. The one above is from a mission where you have to stop Snipers from taking out Napoleon and a bomb from blowing up, and then tracking down letters to figure out who did it.

This one was taken on our way to the place where we found the intel on who was behind the plot. We ended up struggling quite a bit on this area because there were so many snipers we couldn’t get too. After a bit though we managed to get it.

Another one we did was about the execution of Danton. We had to protect his friends from assassin’s trying to kill them. When we first got there we had to sneak into a restricted area to talk to him. I ended up crowd blending and using a disguise to walk up to him and then sneak out again. The Mission took us to the crowded plaza you see above and me and my friend had a pretty lengthy brawl there.

Overall the Multiplayer is pretty fine. It’s a lot more cut and dry then the Story though. The multiplayer boils down to the Basics for the most part. They’re still a lot of fun, though they can be tedious to run by yourself.

    24 days ago

    Cooperative stealth is an interesting genre, not that well represented either. Did you ever play a Splinter Cell game with your friend? The earlier games had wholesale co-op campaigns, and I’ve heard really good things about the co-op in Blacklist too, though I never played that one myself.

    • MyNameIsAtticus@lemmy.worldOP
      23 days ago

      Splinter Cell is a name i’ve heard thrown around a lot but honestly have never thought to try. I might look into it at some point, because i love stealth games (my friend not so much though, AC Unity is the only one i’ve ever seen not stress him out)

        22 days ago

        The first couple games are really good stealth games, highly recommended. There is not really an overarching story between games, so if you’re just looking to dip your toes into the series I’d start with Chaos Theory. Honestly, if you’re into stealth games you should really play it like, right now. I consider it an all-time great.

        After Double Agent the series started going into a more bland action style as Ubisoft felt stealth games were too niche I guess. Never played Conviction or Blacklist but as I said, I heard good things about the co-op in the latter so it’s on my list to try. I don’t really have a good candidate to play co-op with at the moment though, so it’s on indefinite hold.

        • MyNameIsAtticus@lemmy.worldOP
          22 days ago

          I’ll have to look into Chaos Theory. Is there a recommended way to play it? I know some people suggest certain console releases over the PC version or other console version

            22 days ago

            Splinter Cell was primarily an Xbox franchise, so if you’ve got an Xbox of any kind that’s probably your best bet, assuming they’re still for sale. I believe they were all developed for Xbox and ported to other platforms. For Chaos Theory in specific though the PC port was pretty good, so if you don’t it’s not a big problem. Possibly some controller issues that need a fan fix? Though on the plus side you can find a wide-screen fix mod for modern resolutions. The first two games had worse ports, if I remember right. And the Playstation and GameCube ports were pretty universally bad I think, for all the games.

            The one where the console version is really important is Double Agent, but that is a whole other can of complicated worms, because then it wasn’t just the matter of bad ports - they released two completely different games with different mechanics, levels and story executions (albeit the same overall plot).

    • MyNameIsAtticus@lemmy.worldOP
      23 days ago

      I’m legit considering picking it up if it ever goes on sale. For $40 i couldn’t warrant the price for me personally, but for lower? I’d be willing to consider it

    23 days ago

    I’m just wrapping up AC Odyssey. I’ll be heading back to Unity to finish it off soon. I still have a couple of things to finish in Black Flag, too.

    I never really got into the online multiplayer aspects of AC. It really bugged me that they put trophies in the game on that, and now I can never plat the game.

    • MyNameIsAtticus@lemmy.worldOP
      23 days ago

      Are the servers shut down on Playstation? (i’m assuming since you said Platinum your on PS). I don’t know 100% of all the achievements on there, but as long as none of them depend solely on another player being there you should be able too run Multiplayer missions Solo, i used to do it for years on my first few playthroughs when i was younger. But yeah, i get your frustration. There’s so many games in my collection i just can’t 100% because of online, whether it’s servers shutting down or just general multiplayer troubles.

      How’s Odyssey btw? I’m embarrassed to admit that Odyssey i initially skipped over because i didn’t think i’d like the way the story was going being pre-assassin’s and the gameplay, but i picked up Valhalla later and loved the gameplay bit (at least in small pieces) so i’m wanting to give it a try since i got it with the entire AC bundle on Steam.

        23 days ago

        I’m sure some of the older game servers will be offline by now. Hopefully not Black Flag yet.

        I’m enjoying Odyssey. I had 6 hours on the game from 2018, I decided to restart the game about a month ago, and now my total playtime is 82 hours. Last year I think I clocked about 10 hours on the Playstation in total. So this has definitely been a surprising amount of fun. I’m very driven by trophies and open world missions though.

        • MyNameIsAtticus@lemmy.worldOP
          22 days ago

          I think Black Flag still had them online when I last checked.

          I’ll have to play odyssey soon though. I was looking for an AC game to play after my Planned eventual playthrough of AC 3